You can use this endpoint to transform an image of a person into a Suprema face template. A publicly accessible APIServer2/EasyConnect server, an IdentySoft.BioStarScannersV2 3.0.37 or higher and a FaceStation F2 Suprema device is required.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
p_companyID | string | Yes | The security code you have been provided with, string (32) |
p_updatePicture | string | Yes | 0 or 1, if 1 then the uploaded image will be set as the user's profile picture in the EasySecure software |
p_Id | string | Yes | The Id of the user from the EasySecure database |
p_data | string | Yes | the base64 string of the picture that needs to be uploaded |
p_extenstion | integer | Yes | The extension of the picture which is uploaded (only jpg or png images are accepted) |
p_ip | integer | Yes | IPv4 address of the F2 device (see EasySecure) |
p_port | integer | Yes | Port used by F2 device (see EasySecure) |
p_did | integer | Yes | Serial number of the F2 device (see EasySecure) |
NOTE*: If the user already has 2 face templates, before adding the new one is added the first face template of the user will be deleted.
ERROR_NO_SECURITY_HASH - no p_companyID is provided.
ERROR_UNKNOWN_SECURITY_HASH - the supplied p_companyID is invalid.
--- in case p_updatePicture = 1 the following returned error messages are also possible:
NO_ID_RECEIVED - no p_ID is provided.
ONLY_PNG_OR_JPG_EXTENSIONS_ARE_ACCEPTED - if the image provided is other then a jpg or png file.
USER_WAS_NOT_FOUND - user was not found based on the p_Id provided.
--- end case p_updatePicture = 1
NO_ID_RECEIVED - no p_Id is provided.
USER_WAS_NOT_FOUND - user was not found in EasySecure database based on p_Id supplied
IP_NOT_ALLOWED - the supplied p_ip address is not available in EasySecure
DID_NOT_ALLOWED - the supplied p_did address is not available in EasySecure
CURL_ERROR_NO_X - if the call to trigger the APIServer2/EasyConnect can not be made, where X is the code of the curl error.
CURL_RESULT_NOT_JSON_X - if the APIServer2/EasyConnect call returned an invalid response, where X is a more detailed description of the issue.
ERROR_SAVE_TEMPLATE - there was a problem saving the face template in EasySecure
ERROR_UPDATE_USER - there was a problem updating the user details in EasySecure
OK - if the image to face template conversion is successfully completed