You can use this endpoint to trigger the ESI_SCD sync of a specific location. ESI_SCD must be available on a publicly accessible APIServer2/EasyConnect server. ESI_SCD 3.2.5 or higher is required.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
p_companyID | string | Yes | The security code you have been provided with, string (32) |
p_locationID | string | Yes | The id of the location to be synched |
ERROR_NO_SECURITY_HASH - no p_companyID is provided.
ERROR_UNKNOWN_SECURITY_HASH - the supplied p_companyID is invalid.
NO_LOCATION_ID_RECEIVED - no p_locationID is provided or it is incorrect.
CURL_ERROR_NO_X - if the call to trigger the APIServer2/EasyConnect can not be made, where X is the code of the curl error.
CURL_RESULT_NOT_JSON_X - if the APIServer2/EasyConnect call returned an invalid response, where X is a more detailed description of the issue.
NO_DEVICE_TO_SYNC - there was no device found to be synched for the given p_companyID-p_locationID combnination. Please check the ESI_SCD details.
SYNC_ERROR_X - where X is a more detailed description of the sync issue
If the sync is successful, a JSON formatted string is returned [{"deviceid1":"ok"},{"deviceid2":"ok"}]